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Hoo, has it been a week! This week I switched hosts from to another host which will allow me to do things like set up my newsletter how I would like it. WordPress, as useful as it has been the last eleven years, charged more to provide me with the same services, and, as scary as it sounds, I’d outgrown it.

This kind of thing is a reality for entrepreneurs; we sometimes outgrow our shells and need to quest to find new ones like hermit crabs. And anyone who knows me (or follows me on TikTok) knows I am quite crabby. That said, this process has been terrifying. My new host is a dear friend of mine, so that was okay, but dealing with all the things that come with a website redesign as well as the pervasive fear of losing the platform I’ve been on for the last twelve years. On one hand, I’m excited to take this next step and start building up my newsletter and mailing list for folks who want to keep up with me. On the other, there’s a very real grief of losing that little number up at the top that tells me that I’ve got 1,400 people following me. I’m not sure that number is accurate anyway, but still, it stings some.

So, what does all of this mean? Well, not a lot for you fine folks. It does mean that you can join my newsletter to catch updates and so on as they come out. But other than that? Not much is going to change around here. But for me it’s a mark of how much I’ve grown and how much further I still have to go as I pursue my career as an author.

It feels like release day is a ticking clock, and every time I blink it’s another few days closer to the release. I’ve sent out almost fifty pre-release review requests, and I still have almost a hundred and fifty to send, which is a pretty daunting prospect. I’ve been sending out a few every day, but it’s a big pile to shovel through. However, it’s what I tell my authors they need to do, so I have to be willing to do it, myself!

I know it’s a short blog this week, but I’m so burnt out from all of this that we’re lucky I’m coherent this week. Still, cheers to the new start!

E. Prybylski has been in the publishing industry as an editor since 2009, starting at Divertir Publishing and eventually partnering with her close friend Richard Belanger to begin Insomnia Publishing.

Ever since childhood, E. has been an avid reader and writer of fantasy. The first chapter book she remembers reading is The Hobbit, followed swiftly by most of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series. In high school, she perfected the skill of walking while reading without slamming into anyone. Mostly.

When she isn’t reading or writing, E. is an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronism and has a B.A. in European history from SNHU. In addition to her many historical pursuits, E. is a musician of multiple instruments, a cat mom, and a loving wife to her husband, J. E. also speaks out for the disability and chronic illness communities being a sufferer of chronic migraines and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

About the author

E. is a long-time fantasy enthusiast who writes urban fantasy. They knew from a young age that they wanted to be a writer and has worked toward that end with a slow, steady pace their entire life. They have been working as an editor for over a decade while learning the many skills needed to forge their own writing career. Currently, they serve as Insomnia Publishing's creative director.

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